Ghost - Rik
Fine motor game related to spatial orientation. The children place the magnetic tokens in the holes of Rik the ghost based on an assignment card. With the magnetic stick the children can remove the tokens from the game board in a fun way. Can be combined with the book Rik the scared ghost .
Including magnetic cards, magnetic stick (random color) and 20 differentiated assignment cards. (print, cut out and laminate yourself)
© Kathleen Amant - Little Ghost Rik, from the picture book 'Rik the scared ghost'.
Package 1
game board (dimensions 20 x 18 x 0.5 cm)
magnetic stick (random color offered)
60 magnetic cards (6 x 10 colours)
20 assignment cards - differentiation (sent in PDF)
Package 2
game board (dimensions 20 x 18 x 0.5 cm)
Package 3
magnetic stick (random color offered)
60 magnetic cards (6 x 10 colours)
Package 4
20 assignment cards - differentiation (sent in PDF)

Ghost - Rik
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